Technical translations


Specialised and technical translations deal with very specific content and require excellent command of a foreign language. The level of required expertise in the field to which the text relates must be much higher than in the case of marketing, literary or copywriting translations.  To have your text translated with its meaning accurately rendered, you need to hand it to experts who are familiar with the specifics of a particular type of translation and, with their many years of experience, will be able to flawlessly reproduce the source text in the target language using correct terminology.

Technical specialised translations – for whom?

We now offer Polish-English, English-Polish, Polish-German, German-Polish, Polish-French and French-Polish translations. Our particular focus is on the medical, electronics, ICT, chemical, biotechnology, pharmaceutical and automotive industries. In particular, we offer our assistance to entrepreneurs who operate in foreign markets and whose operations require reliable translation supported by many years of expertise and experience.

Technical translations – swift delivery

With considerable experience of our specialists and their professional cooperation with patent attorneys and experts from various fields, our clients can be sure of smooth and timely completion of work they have assigned to us. When it comes to specialised translation assignments, we always take into account our clients’ needs and capabilities and we make every effort to cater for them.

Why invest in technical translations?

Specialised and technical translations involve very specific content that requires a considerably better command of the other language than is the case in, for example, marketing, literary or copywriting translations.  To have your text translated with its meaning accurately rendered, you need to hand it to experts, who are familiar with the specifics of a particular type of translation and, with their many years of experience, will flawlessly reproduce the source text in the target language.

Specialised translation by qualified experts minimises the risks often associated with doing business, e.g. a risk of incorrectly manufactured parts when communicating with a foreign subcontractor, patent invalidation when protecting your invention abroad, or delays to clarify misunderstandings resulting from the incorrect vocabulary used when working on programmes/applications. The key to success is close cooperation between the translator and expert in the field and an almost literal translation without unnecessary interpretation.

The cost of technical translation is actually an investment in avoiding unnecessary misunderstandings and confusion in many areas. The quality of translation in the case of specialised texts is crucial. A mere translation will not ensure that the text is reproduced 100% in the target language, with its meaning maintained in every, smallest detail.

In this type of translation, syntax is also a fundamental aspect and the translator working on the text should take an interdisciplinary approach to their task: they should be comfortable with the field they are translating in, seek to address linguistic issues and remember to refrain from unnecessary interpretation of the text.

Technical translations online

You can order and receive translations fully online. After submitting your enquiry via the FORM, you will receive a quote including both the cost of translation and the deadline for its completion. Once you have accepted the quote, the translators get to work and, after a multi-stage process (including technical review, content review with possible corrections and stylistic consistency check), we send the finished text to you electronically. You may communicate your comments during the course of the assignment, but this may affect the deadline for completion of the assignment.

The Team of JWP Translators provides the following services:

  • specialised translations of European patents reviewed by experts and patent attorneys in a specific field
  • professional translation of specialised, technical, medical and legal texts
  • translations of deeds, extracts or licence documents
  • certified translations


To get a quote for a specialised translation, just use the form or contact our translation project coordinators directly:

Martyna Zduniak

head of translations


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    Try us!

    Request for a free sample translation! Fill in the form and attach a file (up to 200 words):

    • for new clients only
    • the sample translation will be provided within 3 working days
    • certified translations are excluded

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    P: 22 436 05 07

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    Court Register No: 0000717985


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    P: +48 58 511 05 00


    JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
    ul. Kamieńskiego 47
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    P: +48 12 655 55 59


    JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
    WPT Bud. Alfa
    ul. Klecińska 123
    54-413 Wrocław
    T: +4871 342 50 53