What action should I take when another entity registers a trade mark similar to mine in the Polish Patent Office?

First of all, it is important to note that under current regulations, registration of a trade mark similar or identical to one already registered does not always constitute an infringement. The legislator allows coexistence of similar or identical trade marks. We therefore recommend conducting a preliminary analysis of the factual and legal circumstances surrounding a case in order to determine the most effective course of action for the client.

After passing amendments to the Industrial Property Law Act of 30 June 2000, (Journal of Laws 2013.1410 unified text, as amended) on 15 April 2016, Poland implemented the so-called opposition-based trade mark registration system, which in a way obliges holders of trade mark protection rights granted prior to that date to monitor new trade mark applications in order to look for disputable cases (the trade mark holder has three months from the date of publication of the trade mark application in the Patent Office Bulletin to object against this application under the Property Law Act quoting the so-called relative obstacles to trade mark registration).

This by no means limits your options, one of them being opposition proceedings, so should you have any questions or doubts regarding this, please contact JWP.


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JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
ul. Mińska 75
03-828 Warsaw
P: 22 436 05 07
E: info@jwp.pl

VAT: PL5260111868
Court Register No: 0000717985


JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
HAXO Building
ul. Strzelecka 7B
80-803 Gdańsk
P: +48 58 511 05 00
E: gdansk@jwp.pl


JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
ul. Kamieńskiego 47
30-644 Kraków
P: +48 12 655 55 59
E: krakow@jwp.pl


JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
WPT Bud. Alfa
ul. Klecińska 123
54-413 Wrocław
T: +4871 342 50 53
E: wroclaw@jwp.pl