

The modern design process involves many individuals working together. The final result, namely an original design, is a product of the work of designers, engineers, and marketing and science specialists. However, the creative process also requires the involvement of patent attorneys, who help obtain protection for new and original designs.

Design largely animates our lives, which is reflected in architecture, the character and functionality of public spaces, or the appearance and usefulness of everyday items. At present, this industry is facing the enormous challenge of digitalization and virtualization of products, which also involves the growing participation of 3D printing in the manufacture of various items.

Yet, we are not alarmed by these changes. At JWP we keep up with the latest trends in the world of design. We have been participating in industry-specific events for many years (e.g. 4 Design Days, Good Design Forum), where we share our knowledge with creators through lectures and training courses. In the articles we publish in industry magazines (e.g. Meblarstwo, Kurier Drzewny,, we describe how important it is to protect industrial designs in this complex and dynamic industry. We also advise on how to use legal solutions and how to successfully protect and commercialize ideas.

We support our clients in the following areas:

  • building an effective protection strategy for industrial designs in Poland, the EU, and worldwide
  • conducting design prior-art-searches
  • drawing up applications for industrial designs and trademarks intended for design purposes
  • licensing and assigning exclusive rights to industrial designs, trademarks, and copyrights
  • drawing up agreements and regulations which in particular lay out the rules of cooperation between designers, entrepreneurs, investors, and recipients
  • handling disputes regarding infringement of exclusive rights to industrial designs and trademarks
  • conducting disputes regarding copyrights, in particular architectural and interior design, furniture, objects of everyday use, packaging, and product labelling
  • conducting disputes regarding infringement of fair competition rules, in particular by unfair copying of the external form of products or ‘free-riding’ on the reputation of someone else’s products
  • customs cases related to intellectual property protection at the border and combating counterfeiting
  • training, workshops, and other forms of disseminating knowledge on design in its broad sense
  • consulting and assistance in obtaining WIPO Proof

Our experience

For more than 25 years, we have been cooperating with clients on matters related to strategic consulting and building a successful portfolio of trademarks and industrial designs. Our individualized approach to clients involves precisely defining their business needs and selecting the optimal instruments for industrial property protection. We carry out intensive activities in the area of drawing up and submitting applications for industrial designs in Poland, Community designs, and international designs. We closely cooperate with a group of reliable, long-standing partners across the globe, which allows our clients to protect their exclusive rights in various parts of the world. As part of our experience, we have cooperated with leading companies in the clothing, underwear, construction, lighting, and interior design industries. Additionally, we support companies in the food and drink sector, including alcohol producers.

Have any questions? Contact us!

Our team of advisors will provide comprehensive assistance. You will be able to rely on our knowledge and experience. The success of our cooperation requires efficient communication and dialogue. Write how we can help you?



JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
ul. Mińska 75
03-828 Warsaw
P: 22 436 05 07

VAT: PL5260111868
Court Register No: 0000717985


JWP Patent & Trademark Attorneys
HAXO Building
ul. Strzelecka 7B
80-803 Gdańsk
P: +48 58 511 05 00


JWP Rzecznicy Patentowi
ul. Kamieńskiego 47
30-644 Kraków
P: +48 12 655 55 59


JWP Rzecznicy Patentowi
WPT Bud. Alfa
ul. Klecińska 123
54-413 Wrocław
T: +4871 342 50 53